Monday, March 2, 2009

Upcoming In March!

It's an exciting and busy time for me, so I've stopped posting on some of my favorite loops and sites while I get cracking on things I have to do! But that doesn't stop the fight for me. I'll continue here and through email while going through edits and other fun publishing stuff!

So here's what you can expect from the blog in March.

I'm going to discuss energy and the lack-thereof and search for new ways to keep our body and mind going.

I've got a new poll on medication I'm going to put up.

I'm going to post some interviews with Fibro Sufferers/Plus Sufferers about their Fibro in hopes of finding common links and bringing awareness. (If interested in being interview send a brief summary of how long you've had Fibro and how you were diagnosed to

I'm going to put a special focus on spouses and significant others! Perhaps do spouse interviews and family and friends. We'll see how the first interviews go and the interest, if any, it generates.

This month I will be setting up another blog for the Fibro websites I've been asked to review. Outing the Scams Touting the Good.

These among other great things are coming. I don't want to tell all until I can confirm but TheFibroFight is coming along so well.

I appreciate all of you who follow the blog and support me in my endeavor to fight off more Fibro Flare-Ups!

As always, we can do this together!
My best,

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