Friday, June 12, 2009

I Need A Hero!

I went to a gastroenterologist a few days ago, and mentioned my yeast theory, only to be treated like a simple child without a basic understanding of logic. What was my yeast theory? I had horrible IBS, or so I thought, where I couldn't eat anything without getting an upset stomach. Then I received a yeast infection and after I took the pill, the following day nothing upset my belly. According to my new Gastro doctor, this was purely a coincidence.


Boy am I annoyed.

And to make matters worse, the woman told me I have IBS (even though I feel fine for the most part) and gave me a perscription.

Okay, I thought, I'll try it. You can't get better if you don't try everything right? What's the harm and hey...maybe I can eat ice cream on these pills.

I got the perscription filled and to my horror...there was a warning in the pages that taking this medication is not advised for those who have had bad reactions to anti-depressants.

Horrified that, despite mentioning all of my bad reactions and the near suicide attempt I made on them years ago, I was still perscribed an anti-depressant...I began questioning the validity of the medical profession.

What I a hero. A doctor who listens and tries different things. A doctor who believes me when I say "I can't take that."

This doctor told me only that systemic candidas is only suffered by organ transplant patients, blood transfusion patients and those with AIDS.

My question is, with as little as we know about Fibromyalgia, isn't it possible that systemic candidas can be brought on by it? No? Why not? Those are the answers I want.

Who thought it was possible to suffer pain without any physical evidence of existance 20 years ago? Barely anyone. Fibro is still considered to be a myth in most of the world, and the medical community is still greatly confused by the syndrome.

It is moments like these where I feel so jaded. I just have to take a deep breath and continue the doctor hero search.

All my best to you, My Friends. I hope you far better than I on the doctor front.

98% days to you all,


  1. Boy, I sure can relate to this feeling. It was my last fibro doctor who insisted I try the yeast-free diet with anti-fungal meds. My personal experience lost me a lot of weight, but didn't help my fibro symptoms much. I did notice a decrease in IBS symptoms, though.

    At any rate, I remember being so stressed out about how he wasn't listening to me that I was getting jaded about the medical community. They're all out for profits and don't care about their patients, I thought. Well, I found a better doctor and he does listen to me. I'm thrilled that he treats me like an adult, isn't intimidated by my mention of news of fibro research and other reading I've done. He asks about how the drugs I'm on are affecting me. He also takes lots of notes during our appointments and asks me questions.

    Please don't give up hope. It's hit or miss with doctors, but there are some good ones still out there. Hope you find one soon. Feel better!

  2. about10 years ago I was doing medical research and assistance at a law firm handling hundreds of complaints in a class-action law suit against makers of silicon breast implants saying they caused all kinds off immune disorders. They brought in 2 well-respected (read highly paid to say what I want you to say) doctors to examine these women and all were, of course, found to have some sort of Mixed immune deficiency of some sort, including lupus, fibromyalgia, RA, candidiasis, scleroderma, etc. Mind you, this was when fibro was still classified as a rheumatological disorder. But these guys had women going to Houston for tests for their candidiasis! (Anything to jack up the lawyers' fees) I guess because no one in town would do it, IDK.

    But I say all this to say that I think your doctor is wrong in limiting the types of patients who get systemic candida. As a matter of fact, I took care of a remarkable young woman, a diabetic who had MRSA infection requiring around the clock intravenous antibiotics. Guess what. Candidiasis developed from all the antibiotic use. Her fluctating sugars from her diabetes were fertile grounds in her bloodstream for that little fungus to grow on. It took multiple trips to the hospital in near death situations before a doctor recognized what was going on. After treatment, she went on to complete college, though still disabled.
